Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jannese Embraces the Energy with Andino - 4 December 2012

In this channel its another step up the ladder as Andino is teaching me not only to see it but to physically feel it and talk to it and breath it into my being.

Channelling makes Perfect on the 29 November Jannese and Andino

In this video, it is really good as it shows how far Andino and I have come in the last few months. We have not done a video for a while. In this channel I am now able to visually see the energy in the room and I will explain what I am seeing in this video while I channel.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sandy Housell talks to Jannese about Andino

Cameron: Jannese and I have know Sandy Housell for many years now and on a recent visit we all sat down together and had a chat about Andino. Sandy likes the metapsyshic's when it come to spirit and give a really lovely explanation of who he is and where he comes from. It was an Ahhh moment for me. Thanks Sandy for sharing you wisdom.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Jannese gets ten out of ten at Australia Zoo

Jannese: Last weekend Cameron and I went up to the Australia Zoo for an Animal Intuitive Seminar. Over 100 people turned out for  the occasion. We were in Awe of the facilities and operators that Australia Zoo has at this Facility. They are inundated with accident victims every few hours, mainly koala's. Its amazing to see their passion and dedication to help the animals with no government funding at all.

During the seminar we were bought in three animals to diagnose their particular health problem.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Practice Does not always Make Perfect

Practice in the mirror and you will see me
Jannese: For some time now Andino has been telling me that I will also have someone else helping me with my work and his name will be William and I would know more when the time is close. Well the other day he said, "William is coming today so I want you to meditate and he will appear".

Cameron: Sadly I am not a patient person, I work very long hours so I either go at 100 percent or I sleep. Jannese told me all about William and how she had to meditate. I stood behind the camera and tried to stay still. Jannese stopped a few times and yelled at me to stand still. ( I cut that bit out of the video as I dont want you to think she is horrible to me). We did try to meditate a few times to no avail. Perhaps not to no avail, Jannese did get some feelings in the throat.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The meeting of the Spiritual Minds with Min

We are lucky to have a number of friends who are very gifted psychics and mediums who have offered their support with what we are doing. One of which is Jennifer Starlight and Peter Harris from the Invisible College.

Jennifer offered to sit with Jannese and Andino with the assistance of Min. Min will give Jannese his take on the essence of what Andino is about.

Min - an Ancient Egyptian Consciousness who entered into Jennifer and Peters Lives and has consistantly given powerful and intricate instructions for the transformational healing of many, with the applicaiton of what Min refers to as Elemental Medicine.

Jennifer a psychic trans medium describes herself as a modern mystic, who inspires and encourages people to find their own authentic divinity and has over 20 years of esoteric experience.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cant Keep a Secret Any more - 6 foot Snake

Cameron: Looks like I cant keep a secret any more. I do not like snakes much but Jannese hates them more . The other morning when Jannese was in the shower, to my horror I noticed that there was a very large 6 foot python coming out of the crack in the wall of the house and moving across the lawn.